This is where I'll keep all the references for drawing Concord! This way I have someowhere nicer to send people than a google doc. Obviously, if you decide to draw Concord of your own volition, definitely let me know! I can add your art here and give you my eternal thanks. <3
Hair: White, styled kind of like this between his horns but without the fade and obvious styling products. More naturally occurring.Horns: Black and white striped rams horns. The stripes start with black at the base and end with black on the tip.
Tail: Concord's tail is spade shaped at the end, no marks.
Eyes: Yellow sclera. Black pupils unless in a rage at which point they turn red. Although this is a rare occurence.
Teeth: Sharp and pointed like most imps.
Markings: Concord has a lot of markings on his body, but most aren't visible when he's fully clothed. The most visible markings are those under his eyes which roughly look like this. You can also see them more in the art section. He also has 12 white scars scattered along his stomach and one on his chest, nearer his right shoulder. Later events in the story add another scar to his left shoulder that has a starburst shape. He also has a speckling of white pinprick markings across his shoulders like freckles.
Body Type: Concord is 4.5 ft. While he's not overweight, he's definitely starting to lose that younger body. He's physically weak and has a smaller frame.
Legs/Hooves: Concord has goat legs similar to Moxxie. Hooves themselves are black.
Other: He's pretty soft and it's reflected in his face a lot. I have a very small pinterst board for clothing inspiration, but he gnerally tends to try to look professional but inviting. Wears a lot of browns and sometimes grays. Likes comfy sweaters. Wears cutesy pajamas sometimes. Below is a map for Concord's markings. It's only meant to show where they are, not their exact shape or anything. And the one on his head is not really visible once his hair grows back from surgery.